As a member we connect you with manufacturing best practices, education and with other manufacturers.
The benefits of being a member are wide ranging. There are Factory Tours and Product Boot Camp where you learn from other manufactures on improvement solutions to every imaginable challenge. You get direct access to educational opportunities through informative, topical and timely webinars on manufacturing issues that matter most to your company.
There’s also proprietary research on manufacturing trends, growth and forecasts from the areas top universities. And one the biggest member benefits we offer are the direct connections to the others who work in manufacturing. It’s a professional community comprised of top CEOs, sales executives, financial experts and marketing leaders. You will meet all these people who can show you how to grow, but will also look to you for insights and innovative ways to make a positive impact in manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the United States would be the eighth-largest economy in the world with $2.18 trillion in value added from manufacturing alone.
–, 2020
I Want to make a difference in manufacturing? We offer everything you require to do that and more.
Manufacturing success. It’s what we want to help you achieve as a member of St. Louis Makes. Below are just some of the exclusive benefits you get through our organization. And we continue to expand out benefits because the more we grow so can you.